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Closeup of a Petri Dish


Cleaning validation is an experiment that determines the efficacy of a cleaning procedure on a medical device. Prior to use, all test devices should be worn in with simulated use to properly assess the cleaning procedure as it would perform against actual in-use devices. The device is first soiled with an artificial soil load determined by the Study Sponsor. These soil loads contain biomarkers such as protein and hemoglobin and take the form of blood, mucous, or a combination of substances. Soil is typically added to sites that would be considered ‘worst-case’. These sites are those that will experience more handling during use or sites that are hard to reach such as crevices. Once the test device has been soiled, it is handled to emulate regular use. Once the soil is dry, the cleaning procedure is performed. This procedure varies from test to test depending on what the Study Sponsor provides and can vary greatly. After the test device has undergone cleaning, the extraction process begins. The extraction process involves taking a combination of wet and dry sterile swatches/swabs and wiping down the target sites of the device. As those sites are harvested, the swatches /swabs are placed into a container of recovery fluid so that each site may be evaluated independently. At the request of Study Sponsors, all sites may be pooled into one volume to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure on the entire device. Evaluation of a pooled volume does not provide insight into how well specific areas are being cleaned but can be a cost-efficient way to evaluate a cleaning routine. During experimentation, controls are harvested as well. A positive control is performed by harvesting a soiled test device that has not received the relevant cleaning. The negative control is performed by extracting from a device that has not been soiled but has received cleaning. The recovery fluid samples for each extraction site are then analyzed in a microplate reader. For protein analysis, the Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit is used. A known standard is made using bovine serum albumin. This standard is used to establish a calibration curve in the data analysis portion of experimentation and to determine the amount of protein remaining at each site after the extraction. The plate is put into the microplate reader and the results are obtained. For hemoglobin analysis, a similar procedure is performed following the instructions for the relevant Sigma-Aldrich Hemoglobin Assay Kit. Once readings have been obtained for both protein and hemoglobin, the results are analyzed in relevant data analysis software. The obtained values are adjusted based on dilution factor, amount of liquid aliquoted from recovery fluid, etc., and the final amount of biomarker observed for each site is determined. These values are compared to the success criteria to determine the efficacy of the cleaning procedure.

Petri Dish


A disinfection validation is an experiment that determines the efficacy of a disinfection procedure on a medical device. Prior to use, all test devices should be worn in with simulated use to properly assess the disinfection procedure as it would perform against actual in-use devices.
The device is first inoculated with the test microorganism determined by the Study Sponsor. This varies based on the desired disinfection level (Low, Intermediate, or High-level disinfection), largely determined by the kind of contact the device makes with patients. For submission to any regulatory agencies, each test microorganism needs to be evaluated independently, as pooling the test microorganisms can lead to competitive inhibition, resulting in misleading results. Inoculum is applied to sites that would be considered ‘worst-case’. These sites are those that will experience more handling during use or sites that are hard to reach such as crevices. Once the test device has been inoculated, it may be handled to emulate regular use. This can involve twisting dials, pressing on a touchpad, turning a switch on, or any number of actions. The emulation of normal use is to allow inoculum to access areas in a manner typical for the device, allowing for an accurate measure of the efficacy of the disinfection procedure. Once the inoculum is dry, the disinfection procedure is performed. This procedure varies from test to test depending on what the Study Sponsor provides and can vary greatly. After the test device has undergone disinfection, the extraction process begins. The extraction process involves taking a combination of wet and dry sterile swatches/swabs and wiping down the target sites of the device. As those sites are harvested, the swatches/swabs are placed into a container of recovery fluid so that each site may be evaluated independently. At the request of Study Sponsors, this can be altered to pool all sites into one volume to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure against the whole device. Evaluation of a pooled volume does not provide insight into how well specific areas are being disinfected but can be a cost-efficient way to evaluate a disinfection routine. During experimentation, controls are harvested as well. A positive control is performed by harvesting an inoculated test device that has not received the relevant cleaning. The negative control is performed by extracting from a device that has not been inoculated but has received cleaning. The recovery fluid samples for each extraction site are then diluted appropriately and the dilutions plated in duplicate. These dilutions are meant to cover a wide array of dilutions and provide plate counts that can be used to adequately assess the efficacy of the disinfection procedure against the target microorganism. The plates are incubated as appropriate for the microorganism with sterility plates, meant to test the sterility of all media/materials used in testing. After incubation, colony-forming units on the plates are counted and the values are compared to the success criteria stated in the test protocol. All sterility plates are assessed to ensure no systemic contamination was derived from contaminated media.

Scientist in the Lab


In Vitro and In Vivo safety evaluation studies are conducted on a variety of biomaterials, medical devices and related products to identify the presence of toxins or any other potentially harmful effects. Biocompatibility tests ranges from initial screening of new materials to product release testing and non-clinical or pre-market safety evaluations to meet current global standards. We understand the confidence you require in your biocompatibility testing partner to deliver high-quality, accurate medical device testing results to achieve commercialization goals. Our highly-trained experts perform all tests in-house to evaluate the biocompatibility of your device’s component material / finished product use and regulatory pathway—minimizing cost and time throughout the development continuum. NAMSA’s biocompatibility tests challenge various biological models with test materials or suitable extracts. Specific safety programs follow FDA guidance, ISO 10993 standards and other international guidelines. Primary test categories used to determine biological effect include:

  • Acute Systemic Toxicity Testing

  • Biodegradation Testing

  • Carcinogenicity Testing

  • Chronic Toxicity Testing

  • Cytotoxicity Testing

  • Genotoxicity Testing

  • Hemocompatibility Testing

  • Implantation Testing

  • Intra-cutaneous Irritation Testing

  • Reproductive/Developmental Testing

  • Sensitization Testing

  • Sub chronic Toxicity Testing



Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Validation

An Ethylene Oxide (EO) Sterilization Validation is designed to assist the manufacturer in the development of a sterilization process that delivers the appropriate sterility assurance level and ensures repeatability for each product type developed. All types of products, whether sterilized in-house or by a contract sterilizer, must be validated to ensure compliance with national and international standards.

The requirements for an EO Sterilization Validation are outlined in ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11135. Various AAMI TIRs also offer guidance in meeting the requirements of the sterilization standard. Nelson Labs specializes in Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Validations, and we can partner with you as well as many contract sterilization facilities through the entire process from protocol generation to final report completion. See below for more details.

Radiation Sterilization Validation
We offer complete package testing and services in compliance with global regulatory requirements. A radiation sterilization validation determines the appropriate radiation sterilization dose for a product that requires a sterile label claim. It incorporates bioburden testing, a bioburden recovery efficiency test, a sublethal radiation dose (verification dose), test of sterility and bacteriostasis/fungistasis testing. For ongoing process monitoring, Nelson Labs offers quarterly dose audit (QDA) coordination services that include dosing, testing, consulting and summary reports. If a sterile label claim is required and the sterilization method will be radiation, a validation is required to determine the appropriate sterilization dose. Nelson Labs has vast experience providing validations for complex or unique products, or products which cannot handle large doses of radiation. The testing complies with the radiation sterilization standard ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137 and technical specification ANSI/AAMI/ISO 13004.

Clinical Reprocessing Sterilization Validations and Functionality Studies
A sterilization validation test confirms the appropriate Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of the medical device. The testing establishes the pertinent sterilization parameters for health care reprocessing instructions. Based on the data obtained through testing, the manufacturer will be able to provide health care facilities with validated sterilization parameters. We can validate using steam (gravity or prevacuum), ethylene oxide (EO), STERRAD®, or dry heat. For reusable instruments, liquid chemical or thermal disinfection may be acceptable alternatives. In addition, manufacturers should validate end of life cycles for reusable or reprocessed medical devices to demonstrate functionality with repeated exposures and clinical simulations. We can assist in study design and execution of functionality and repeated use studies. Clinical batch release studies can be performed on a limited basis for novel devices and products that require sterilization prior to receiving marketing approval. ANSI/ASMI ST79, ANSI/AAMI ST77 and AAMI TIR12 are guidelines for testing reusable medical devices. We have the equipment and qualified personnel to help guide you through the process. Our experts will provide individualized consultation and are here to help simplify the complex regulatory and standard recommendations.

Sterilization Supplies
Process monitoring is an essential part of any sterilization validation and routine cycle verification. Nelson Labs offers a range of Process Challenge Devices (PCDs), Biological Indicator (BI) spore strips and discs for use in monitoring comparative resistance or ongoing cycle efficacy. We also offer product inoculation services to verify worst-case cycle efficacy. 

Filter Sterilization Validations for Aseptic Processes 
For pharmaceutical and liquid products that require sterile processing, we offer filter validation services to evaluate a filter’s ability to remove chemicals or microbial organisms of various sizes. This test allows manufacturers to determine membrane pore sizes and is an excellent lot release test in compliance with both the ASTM F838-05 and HIMA guidance documents.

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Packaging validation and shelf life testing are essential components of any medical device sterility assurance program. NAMSA’s suite of validation tests ensure that sterility is maintained when a device is sealed until expiration. We can assist with all testing required for materials, equipment and process qualification.

  • Accelerated Aging (ASTM F1980 and AAMI TIR 17)

  • Barrier Properties (ASTM F1608)

  • Biocompatibility (ASTM F2475)

  • Burst Testing (ASTM F1140)

  • Complete Package Validation with Protocol and Final Summary Report

  • Dye Penetration (ASTM F 1929)

  • Dye Penetration of a Vial

  • Gross Leak Test (ASTM F2096)

  • Gurley Porosity Testing

  • Liquid Microbial Immersion

  • Packaging Conditioning

  • Real-Time Aging (ICH and Room Temperature Conditions)

  • Sampling Plans

  • Seal Tensile Strength (ASTM F88)

  • Shipping Simulation (ASTM D4169, D7386 and ISTA or custom programs)

  • Vacuum Leak Bubble Emission (ASTM D3078)

  • Visual Inspection (ASTM F1886)



With our technical knowledge and more than 10 years of experience in EMC/ESD/EMD testing, we can help you navigate this fast-moving and complex field. We can test your medical products according to the the applicable international standards and to the European directives. Equipped with state-of-the-art testing laboratories, a team of qualified experts, and partnership with one of the largest EMC labs in Europe and India, we offer services that keep pace with today’s growing demand for medical electrical equipment/systems and laboratory and measurement equipment.

Services: Research
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